Friday, August 22, 2014

Binky Bunny Fridays

Hello everybun! I decided to start a new thing on my blog called "Binky Bunny Fridays". Basically, what it is, is I will post a picture of someone else's bunny as well as some cool facts about that bunny every Friday. Here are the rules if you want your bunny to be featured on my blog.

Binky Bunny Friday Rules:

1. Must use this tag on your post #BinkyBunnyFriday

2. If the bunny looks like it's being abused or neglected I will NOT post it any under circumstances. 

3. Binky Bunny Friday is ONLY on Friday (duh lol) do NOT ask me to post your bunny on any other day of the week. 

4. Picture of your bunny must include at least 5 facts about them in the caption. If you want to write a funny story about him, or the time when you got him that is ok too! (Twitter followers I know there is a max on characters so feel free to DM me the facts/story) 

5. HAVE FUN! Don't forget Binky Bunny Friday is a way to meet other bunny loving owners and their bunnies, so be sure to have fun with it! :D 

Thanks for reading! Binky Bunny Friday starts NEXT FRIDAY!!! Be sure to get some cute posts up through the week. There is no limit to the number of posts or facts you can share about your bun.

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